
Interviews are always free!

We understand it is a big decision to make.

  • Meeting two or more times with mother and partner to discuss priorities, fears, concerns and questions.

  • Discussion of how you and your partner believe we can be most helpful.

  • Follow-up on your relaxation, we also offer a relaxation session at one of your prenatal visits if so desired

  • Assist with your Birth Preferences(Plan) and answers to any questions regarding putting one in place

  • Teaching and practicing labor positions and techniques.

  • Phone/email contact as desired or needed.

  • A reliable method for you to reach us.

  • We are happy to accompany you to a prenatal visit with your care provider if you wish.

  • Meet with you where you decide and stay with you throughout labor and birth. If you decide that you need some privacy I will give you your space.

  • We use our knowledge and experience to provide you with continuous physical comfort and emotional support.

  • We act as a liaison between you and the staff; if it seems appropriate or necessary-establishing rapport, reminding them of your birth prefernces and asking questions so you have the information necessary to make good decisions.

  • We stay until you are comfortable and your family seems ready for quiet time together. Usually 1-2 hours after.

  • We will help you with breastfeeding, if you so desire.

  • Make sure you, husband/ partner have a meal if hungry.

  • We will contact you by phone to answer questions, check on your well being and arrange to get together 7-10 days after your birth.

  • We will meet with you at least once after birth: 1) to review the birth experience with you, compare notes and clarify events; 2) to admire and answer questions about your baby; and 3) to get feedback from you about my own role.

Tricare and Doula Support

Amanda can provide services under the Tricare Childbirth and Breastfeeding Demonstration Program, she is an Out of Network Approved Tricare Doula.

Military Discounts available for those unable to utilize the Tricare Benefit.


Ask about the combined services discount for HypnoBirthing Classes and Doula Support.

Learn more about HypnoBirthing Classes