Kassandra and John's Birth Story

My water broke at 4:30pm on December 7th. John and I went on a mile long walk to try to kickstart contractions at 5pm because nothing had started. When we got home, I took a shower and contractions started but were very irregular. When I got out I ate some leftover lasagna and bounced on my birthing ball while timing contractions and John showered. By now, I had to walk through the contractions. Sitting or laying down was so uncomfortable so I did laps around our kitchen island with the dogs following closely behind.

By the time John got out of the shower, contractions were about 4 1/2 minutes apart, lasting 1 min each so we headed to the hospital. Let me tell you, an hour and a half drive while contracting was not a good time and contractions got to the point i could not talk through them so I knew we were progressing BUT we got to the hospital around 8:30-8:45pm. In triage I was 5cm/ 100% effaced. Contractions weren’t giving me much of a break in between so they did registration and got me in a room.

By the time I got to my room it was about 9:45 pm and I was 8cm and baby was at +1 stations with contractions back to back so they wouldn’t even let me get in the tub.

About 20 min later I felt the need to push so we got me on my side and 4 contractions later and about 10 min of pushing, she was out!

Super tiny second degree tear was stitched up and we got 2 hours of undisturbed time to bond with her and feed her before any vaccinations or measurements of any kind.

Once that happened - she was 7lbs 7oz and 20in long and we were moved to our recovery room!

We came home December 9 around noon (it’s normally 24 hours for a vaginal delivery but they wouldn’t discharge us at 10:30pm so we stayed an extra night).

Recovery has gone well, she eats and sleeps like a champ and is such a snuggle bug. We stare at her in awe multiple times a day and can’t even believe she’s ours and she’s here.
